A SwiftUI Kickstart

In this fast-paced workshop, we’ll create examples of apps using SwiftUI and Combine.

You’ll learn to use various components, controls, layouts, and navigation.

You’ll learn five techniques for working with data.

Daniel Steinberg

Author, consultant and trainer

Topics Include:

Using Basic iOS Controls

* Text
* Buttons
* TextFields
* Images
* Sliders

Arranging your views

* HStack, VStack, and ZStacks
* Lists
* Forms
* Basic Drawing
* Geometry

Navigating your views

* Modal views
* Tabs
* Navigation
* Animation
* View Models

Passing Data

* State
* Binding
* Object Binding
* Basic Publishers and Subscribers
* The environment


macOS 10.8+ with Xcode installed

Ticket prices

REGULAR TICKET 15 September - 15 November: 129€

16 November 2019, Turin

Organised in collaboration with Fondazione ICT ITS

Fondazione ICT ITS - http://www.its-ictpiemonte.it/

The future in practice.

Something more than a school, something different to an academy.

A place of training -focused on Digital strategy, Web & Mobile and Backend development- which is already a workplace, where you learn by doing.

Where teachers are professionals and entrepreneurs who apply and renew their business knowledge and experience which they impart on a daily basis